[unison-users] PATH problem on OS X High Sierra 10.13.3
Martin Del Torre martindeltorre@yahoo.com [unison-users]
2018-02-08 18:18:21 UTC
Sorry, to bother again!

I installed on High Sierra easily with brew.

Now I seem to have a path problem. I can manually log in via SSH and start unison.
But when I start to try unison to connect via ssh it fails with „Fatal error: Lost connection with the server“
I tried to compare the PATH like written in the Wiki troubleshooting:
- first: -> ssh ***@ ‚echo $PATH‘
- then the login via ssh and then: -> echo $PATH
The two path are not identical. (see the terminal code beneath.)

I changed PermitUserEnvironment in sshd_config into „yes“ although on my system I find it only on /etc/ssh/sshd_config (I hope it is the wright one).
Nothing changed.
I don’t find the file /.ssh/environment. Actually on this system there is not even a directory ~/.ssh
Do you know where to find it?
Any suggestions what I should do about the path problem?

One more thing: on my machine (birne:~) I have El Capitan and unison version 2.48.3. On the remote machine (pomme:~) runs High Sierra unison version 2..48.4. But this should not be the problem wright?
Thanks a lot!

birne:~ martin$ unison work ssh://***@
Contacting server...
bash: unison: command not found
Fatal error: Lost connection with the server
birne:~ martin$ ssh ***@ 'echo $PATH'
birne:~ martin$ ssh ***@
Last login: Thu Feb 8 17:43:18 2018 from
pomme:~ aline$ echo $PATH
pomme:~ aline$ echo "PATH=$PATH" >>~/.ssh/environment
-bash: /Users/aline/.ssh/environment: No such file or directory
pomme:~ aline$ unison
Usage: unison [options]
or unison root1 root2 [options]
or unison profilename [options]

For a list of options, type "unison -help".
For a tutorial on basic usage, type "unison -doc tutorial".
For other documentation, type "unison -doc topics".
pomme:~ aline$
Alan Schmitt alan.schmitt@polytechnique.org [unison-users]
2018-02-09 07:45:28 UTC
Post by Martin Del Torre ***@yahoo.com [unison-users]
Now I seem to have a path problem.
The simplest way to solve this is to specify in your preference file
where unison lives. For instance, I have this in many of my profiles:

servercmd = /usr/local/bin/unison
Post by Martin Del Torre ***@yahoo.com [unison-users]
One more thing: on my machine (birne:~) I have El Capitan and unison version
2.48.3. On the remote machine (pomme:~) runs High Sierra unison version 2...48.4.
But this should not be the problem wright?
This is fine. The important part is 2.48 (and unison would tell you if
there was an issue).


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